The organizational data contains detailed information for the organizational unit and some information for its employees in the organizational unit and immediate sub-organizations. 组织数据包含组织单元的详细信息,以及这个组织单元中的职员和直接子组织的部分信息。
In doing so, I have witnessed no more than limited success when the industry standard is used as the process for the company, line of business, department, program, or some other organizational unit. 通过这样做,我见证了当业界标准被使用作为一个公司,业务、部门、计划或者某些其它的组织单元的过程时,只得到了有限的成功。
Business processes can be designed to make work within an organizational unit much more business-focused. 业务流程可以设计为在组织单位内工作,更加关注业务。
The primary reason for this is the classic silo approach, where applications are isolated and focused on a single organizational unit within an enterprise. 之所以这样做的主要原因是采用了典型的竖井方法,在这种方法中,应用程序必须分离,各个应用程序的重点都是企业内的单个组织单位。
Two pop-up windows are created to display detailed information for an employee and an organizational unit. 为了显示职员和组织单元的详细信息,我创建了两个弹出窗口。
Instead of enterprise, they describe another organizational unit, such as corporate, department, or government. 他们不使用企业,而使用其它的组织单位,如公司、部门或政府。
Convenience of providing access to a particular organizational unit or a group within that organizational unit. 向组织性单元内部的特定组织性单元或者组提供了方便的访问方式。
A tenant can represent a customer, account, or any organizational unit. 租户可以表示一个客户、帐户或者任何组织单位。
The natural evolution is from a page as an organizational unit to a multipage application as a unit. 首先出现的是作为一个组织单元的页面,然后在发展成为作为一个单元的多页面应用程序。
The second Web service is to provide the information about an organizational unit. 第二个Web服务提供特定组织单元的信息。
Because in this example the bookstore is a small company, there's only a sales and an inventory organizational unit. 因为本示例中,书店是一个小公司,所以只有销售和库房两个组织单元。
You should delegate control at the level of the domain or organizational unit. 您应在域或部门的级别委派控制。
Specify a name and description for the new organizational unit. 指定新组织单位的名称和描述。
Based on function, process or organizational unit, the maturity level may vary. 成熟度级别可能会随着功能、流程或组织单位不同而不同。
You can select the organizational unit for the computer you are creating. 您可以选择创建的计算机的组织单位。
Cannot determine the organizational unit for the current domain. 无法确定当前域的组织单位。
The definition of the company organizational unit is optional. “公司”组织单元的定义是可选的。
Create a new organizational unit in the current container. 在当前容器中创建一个新的组织单位。
The definition of the client organizational unit is obligatory. “客户”组织单元的定义是必须的。
Unable to determine the organizational unit for the specified server. 不能确定指定服务器的组织单位。
The smallest organizational unit for which individual financial statements are created according to the relevant legal requirements. 根据相关法规要求创建独立财务报表的最小组织单元。
Process – here an organizational unit, product or process is fully committed to SOA. 流程(Process):在此阶段,一个组织单元、产品或流程完全服从SOA。
Organizational unit ( for example: Sales and Marketing) 机构中的部门(例如:销售和市场部)
UN service global peacekeeping and regional volunteer committee oversee the management Animation Art media organizational unit. 联合国服务全球维和地区的志愿者委员会监督管理动画艺术媒体的组织单位。
A domain can be a single organizational unit or an entire industry. 域可以是一个组织单元,也可以是整个企业。
The specified target organizational unit's path is greater than 999 characters. 指定的目标组织单位的路径大于999字符。
The specified organizational unit is not valid. 指定的组织单位无效。
Moves the current selection to another organizational unit. 将当前选择移动到另一个组织单位。
You can select the organizational unit for users created with this template. 您可以为用此模板创建的用户选择组织单位。
A project management office ( PMO) is an organizational unit to centralize and coordinate the management of projects under its domain. 项目管理办公室(PMO)是组织中集中和协调管理其管辖的各个项目的实体。